Our extensive services

We offer you a variety of services to optimally support your health. From preventive measures to the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses - we are here for you.
General Services

General services

All kind of health problems, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

  • Treatment of acute cases
  • Management of chronic diseases: DMP Diabestes, DMP KHK, DMP COPD/Asthma
  • GP-centred care: extended health insurance benefits for HZV patients
  • Blood pressure adjustment, ECG and lung function measurements
  • Treatment of wounds
  • Urine and blood tests (laboratory), smear tests
  • Vaccinations and vaccination counselling
  • Preparation for surgery
  • Natural medicine: support for self-healing power, many complaints can be positively influenced
  • Geriatric medicine and qualified palliative care: specialised care for elderly patients and palliative care for patients in advanced stages of the disease
  • Mental health: diagnosing and treating conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress
  • Coordination of further treatment by specialist doctors and clinics
  • Potential assessment and prescription of out-of-hospital intensive care according to G-BA guidelines


  • HIV-PrEP is covered by public health insurance in Germany. PrEP is commonly well-tolrerated and provides reliable protection against HIV infection
  • Detailed counselling
  • PrEP Start: Check of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B+C status incl. vaccination titre, kidney function, PCR smear for chlamydia and gonococci
  • Check for HIV, syphilis and PCR smear for chlamydia and gonococci every 3 months
  • General STD check



  • Health check-up: incl. blood sample and vaccination records check-up for patients with public health insurance from the age of 35 every 3 years or every year in the HZV programme
  • Skin cancer screening with dermatoscope: possible every 2 years for patients with public health insurance from the age of 35
  • Colorectal cancer screening: for all patients at risk, e.g. with a family history of the disease. Men aged 50 and above may have an annual faecal analysis, from the age of 55 every 5 years (colonoscopy as an alternative)
  • Cancer screening for men: annually from the age of 45
  • more checks available upon request

Ultrasound Examinations

Ultrasound Examinations - painless insights

  • Thyroid gland and neck region
  • Abdominal and pelvic organs
  • Consultation and ultrasound of the abdominal aorta once for men over 65
  • Carotid arteries (stroke prevention) incl. Doppler measurement and vessel wall thickness measurement for self-paying and private patients
  • Chest (lung) for self-paying and private patients
  • any other organ suitable for ultrasound


Etabliertes und wirksames Verfahren bei einer Vielzahl von Beschwerden

Zugehörige Leistungen

  • Schmerzlinderung: Behandlung von chronischen Rücken- oder Knieschmerzen (teilweise Kassenleistung) sowie anderen chronischen Schmerzen, z.B. Migräne, Menstruationsbeschwerden
  • Stressabbau und Entspannung
  • Verbesserung der Schlafqualität
  • Verbesserung der Stimmung und emotionalen Gesundheit
  • Verbesserung der Verdauung
  • Unterstützung bei der Rauchentwöhnung

Enhanced Healthcare Services

Enhanced Healthcare Services

  • Extended checks of blood values that are not covered by public health insurance without the presence of symptoms (laboratory of choice)
  • Ultrasound of carotid arteries (stroke prevention) incl. Doppler measurement and vessel wall thickness measurement
  • Extended health check-up by individual arrangement, e.g. with ultrasound
  • Travel vaccination and health advice (yellow fever vaccination centre)
  • Infusions with vitamins and vital nutrients, customised for you
  • Neural therapy: treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions with local anaesthetics
  • Blood oxygen measurement